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Save Our Enviroment

As the only environmental organization at Frisco High School, we take pride in our commitment to the environmental preservation, beautification, and education of our community and the globe. We always promote sustainable and green living through our virtual campaigns, local street clean-ups, and fundraisers. 


Volunteer Opportunities:

Heard Museum Volunteering


Volunteering at the Heard Museum in McKinney. They are a natural science museum and a wildlife conservatory.  For more information, click on the link below.

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Teens for Green

Teens4Green is an award-winning, student-run club which strives to improve environmental sustainability. This club actively conducts team projects and promotes environmental awareness in Frisco. This is a group that is deeply concerned about the health and social impacts caused by non-eco-friendly practices. Frisco Environmental Services provides staff supervision to conduct service projects.

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Environmental Apps


Think Dirty® app is the easiest way to learn ingredients in your beauty, personal care and household products. Just scan the product barcode and Think Dirty will give you easy-to-understand info on the product, its ingredients, and shop cleaner options!



JouleBug is an easy way to make your everyday habits more sustainable, at home, work, and play. Discover how you and your friends can use resources—without using them up.

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